O Anacleto

Um Blog Alter. Charros. Aborto. No Bush.

quinta-feira, setembro 30, 2004

Daniel Oliveira promove o neoliberalismo no Barnabé

O Barnabé, esse Blog iconoclasta cujos posts são uma permanente paródia às ideias e políticas da esquerda, resolveu agora promover activamente o neoliberalismo:

  • "...a experiência da social-democracia nórdica...na minha opinião, foi bastante mais radical e esquerdista"

    Daniel Oliveira, Dirigente e Assessor de Imprensa do BE.

  • "...the four nations of Scandinavia have opened their economies to international competition, chopped taxes, and pruned regulations...All the Scandinavian nations except Norway rank among the world's 25 most free economies...Denmark's economy is actually ranked freer than the United Kingdom's.

    ...capital gains taxes and real estate assessments are low or non-existent. And the region is actually ahead of the United States in a few areas of market reforms: All four countries have school vouchers and allow or will soon allow individual control over some social security taxes.
    " (aqui)
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